Work hardPlay hard

Playful Picnic

Summer is here and we’re putting on a playful picnic, games and jam session. This special addition is in collaboration with the Tribe of Doris. If you have ever been to a Tribe of Doris event or have wondered what it’s all about, come and meet the Tribe in Hampstead Heath and enjoy this afternoon of fun and (hopefully) sunshine.
Games guru Kevin Campbell Davidson will be leading some classic playground games and playful gems from Kev’s life as a games magpie. Bring food and drink to share, instruments to play and frisbees/footballs etc to play with.  And most importantly bring your sunshiny vibe to this playful gathering where everyone is welcome!
Location: Meet in the field in front of the west entrance of the ladies pond at Hampstead Heath.  Look out for the Antidote flag.
We’ll be there from 1-6pm



Tuesday 4th July 2017



Physical activity

Take it easy


Hampstead Heath



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