Work hardPlay hard

Golden Games With Tim Goldman

Tim’s an all round great geezer and expert in fun; an actor and musician by trade who divides his time between delivering games and drama workshops and making widespread mischief.  Think remixed versions of old school games like Mafia, Zip Zap Zoom throwing things, running around and forgetting the rules. A nostalgic throwback to the glory days of the playground where Bulldog & Wink Murder ran the show. Expect to play a mixed bag of classic games you’ll know and some juicy new ones Tim’s designed too.

The perfect opportunity to shake off the stresses of the day.



Thursday 19th October 2017


7.15-9pm (Doors at 7pm)

Physical activity

Move around mildly


Wac Arts 213 Haverstock Hill London NW3 4QP


Free with a Flexipass Tickets from £5-£10 online Early Bird tickets available now £15 on the door

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