Work hardPlay hard

Foolin’ Around! interactive Games Workshop

Tim’s an all round great geezer, an actor and musician by trade who divides his time between delivering games and drama workshops and making widespread mischief.  For this April Fool’s special we’ll be playing a selection of classical games, versions of old school games and some juicy new ones to help you get your silly on! 

Embrace the playful, uninhibited fool that lies within us all through a mixed bag of games galore.  



Tuesday 26th February 2019


7.15-9pm (Doors at 7pm)

Physical activity

Hot and sweaty


WAC Arts 213 Haverstock Hill NW3 4QP Enter via the Atrium which is to the right of the Euphorium Bakery.


£7-£15 Free with a Flexipass (Ts & Cs apply)

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