Work hardPlay hard

The Comedy Of Clown with Mick Barnfather

In this workshop we will be looking at what it is that makes us laugh and how we can be funny. It is not about big shoes, make up and squirty flowers. We will concentrate mainly on the clown and the pleasure to be ridiculous in the space. Nothing in this workshop is related to a style but very much looking to find what is uniquely funny about each person and how they can make that accessible to an audience. Although suitable for any level the class will be of an introductory nature.

Mick Barnfather has been working in theatre as an actor, director and teacher for more than forty years. He has worked for many companies and been a member of Complicite since 1986. He has taught workshops and courses all over the world in physical theatre, clown, Bouffon, dynamic chorus, improvisation and mask. He was a teacher at the Philippe Gaulier School where he taught Bouffon, Clown and Neutral Mask. He is a regular teacher at the National Centre for Circus Arts in London, where he teaches Theatre Studies on the three year degree program, and the London School of Musical Theatre and at the Florida State University london program. He has taught Physical Theatre for some twenty years for the British American Drama Academy and at RADA for ten years where he taught Clown, Mask, Ensemble and Physicality in Performance. During this time he also taught on the open Complicite workshop programs and gave classes and courses in Hong Kong, Berlin, Hamburg, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and America.



Tuesday 2nd April 2024



Physical activity

Move around mildly


The Winch


TBA Included with a flexipass

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