Work hardPlay hard
Grace Burlesque

Burlesque and Theatrical Movement with Grace Church

Creative extraordinaire Grace Emily Church is bringing her wealth of theatrical experience to The Fun Fed for a night of embodied movement that will get you into your bodies and exploring their potential for expression.  You’ll be treated to an exciting and dynamic workshop that fuses different theatrical techniques that will take you on a playful journey of discovery.

Movement is a tool for expression, creativity and pleasure. Mime teaches us how to unlock imaginary worlds, physical comedy connects us with our childlike playfulness and burlesque allows us to explore our bodies in a joyful, irreverent and exuberant way. Grace offers people the chance to move in different ways, get a bit sweaty and connect to their playfulness.

Grace has trained in Mime, Movement and Theatre at the Jacques Lecoq school, learning the crafts of physical theatre and clown. She now works as a freelance theatre-maker, storyteller and sauna master. She runs the theatre company Stumble Trip Theatre. Her shows tour nationally and internationally to venues such as Pleasance, Soho Theatre, Brighton Spiegetelent and The Wardrobe Bristol. She has run workshops for a range of charities, festivals and organisations including Wilderness, Team Domenica & Camden People’s Theatre. Her work is colourful, playful, absurd and socially engaged.



Tuesday 20th February 2024



Physical activity

Move around mildly


The Winch


£10-£15 Free with a flexipass

Book now