Work hardPlay hard

Body Percussion

Raise your hands, slap ya’ knee before twisting it out to your home made beat. Getting in the flow of it? Then look know further to feel your body made music than with the fantastically talented Katherine Sowerby. Katherine has worked with music and dance her entire life. She trained in classical percussion before creating music troupes and projects across the globe.

The workshop will explore a range of sounds, textures, melodies and harmonies with the one rule that you play you. From hand claps and stamping feet to extended voice techniques, the ancient art of body music allows you to realise the strengths that lie within yourself.

The class is welcome to all levels. Bring yourself cause that’s all you need!



Wednesday 21st November 2018


7.15-9pm (Doors at 7pm)

Physical activity

Move around mildly


WAC Arts 213 Haverstock Hill NW3 4QP


£8 Booking fee applies.

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