⚡️ The Playstation ⚡️ Social Games for Adults With Kevin Davidson
Games guru Kevin Davidson will be your host for an evening packed with classic games and new playful gems. From tagging to listening games, physical dexterity to mental agility games, he’ll refresh you with the spirit of play.
Benefits include:
Get a natural dopamine boost
Get exercise the easy way – by running around having fun!
Try something a bit different
Connect with others
Connect with your inner big kid in a welcoming and inclusive space
Kevin is a games extraordinaire with expertise in playful approaches to learning, development and wellbeing. He was recently appointed Play Artist in Residence at The Spring arts and heritage centre. Under the ‘fool’ish guise of french fancy Monsieur Bon Bon Kevin hosts mass musical benches at Wilderness Festival and the Shambolympics at Shambala. Kevin lectures at Goldsmiths College and delivers courses in pedagogical movement and games for Bothmer Movement International for parents and teachers. He’s also a folk dance caller and musician with a chart single, a desert island disk and a million+ YouTube views to his name. Kevin’s biggest hero is the late great Bernie De Koven. Kevin has bags of expertise up his sleeve – he knows just what to do to spark your inner silly.
Testimonials for The Fun Fed
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “A wonderful place to play and laugh, no matter what workshop it is. The people who go are so much fun and I love the social aspect of going for a drink afterwards and feeling part of a community. A wonderful thing to exist in a city where it’s hard to build real connections.” Claudia Colvin
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I absolutely loved the energy during the workshop, I went to the African dance event and it was amazing – lots of fun and friendly people!” Maria Cynkier
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Everyone in London needs a dose of The Fun Fed! The best well-being experience ever. We all need time out to be playful, try something, be with friends and meet new ones. I truly loved my session with ‘just go for it’ people. Come on! What ya waitin’ for???” Yvette Staelens
All of our games workshops are held by experienced friendly facilitators who are experts at creating good times and making everyone feel welcome..
No pressure to get it right
No competition
No weekly commitment
No need to read
Come alone or with friends
Bottle of water
Comfy shoes
Tuesday 12th September 2023
7.30-9pm (doors 7.15)
Physical activity
Move around mildly
The Winch
£15 Free with a Flexipass